Is Europe on the „right“ path? Right-wing extremism and right-wing populism in Europe
Racism, antisemitism and antidemocratic attitudes are increasing all over Europe, radical right parties pick up issues such as migration, Islam, financial and economical crisis and there can be seen a Europe-wide networking. Three strategies of the extreme right can be observed in all countries: the abuse of the "social question", other parties and politicians are shown as corrupt and not any longer there "for the people" and the offer of a new, national identity.
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Germany has addressed those issues and asked how dangerous right-wing extremism in Europe really is – and what can be done against it. After two introductionary inputs, looking at the issue from a political and a scientific perspective there can be found an analysis about thirteen European countries that delve into strategies, manifestations and structures and that show the situation regarding elections, target audience and their most central topics. They deal with similarities and differences and their impact on international networks and cooperations.
Resultant there are suggested social and political counterstrategies and considerations, how human rights and democracy can be strengthen and established.
The complete publication is also available in German language and can be download in the Mediathek.
Antimuslimischer Rassismus, Antisemitismus, Demokratie, Minderheiten, Rassismus, Rechtsextremismus, Vernetzung
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